Dear CUPE Local 3313 member:
Your local Bargaining Committee participated in a central process with other HCCSS CUPE locals on December 6th and CUPE National staff about the wage reopener for the Bill 124 period in our last collective agreement. The Ontario Progressive Conservative Government capped our wages at 1% for three years with Bill 124. The employer’s proposal on Dec. 6th was very disappointing and much less than what you deserve.
We are back at the bargaining table on January 24 & 25. To win a fair wage increase, all eight CUPE HCCSS bargaining units are going to need to turn up the collective pressure on the employer and government.
The negotiating committee is asking you to click on this link before the holidays: and add your name to hundreds of co-workers across the Province calling on the Home and Community Care Support Services to bargain a fair wage increase for all Home and Community Care Support Service Workers.
After you have signed, please share on social media and ask 5 co-workers and friends/family to sign. Our collective goal is for 60% of co-workers in all 8 CUPE HCCSS bargaining units to sign so that we are powerful in large numbers. Once at least 500 members have signed, we will present the petition at Queen’s Park before we head into bargaining in January.
The deadline to sign is January 12th.
In solidarity,