
Just wanted to give you an update that Local 3313 Bargaining committee will be attending the wage re opener Jan 24 & 25th. We will be with the other 7 CUPE Locals that will be making sure we receive a fair deal for all member’s.

1700 signatures were received from our petition and the rally was held last week.

Hope we will have wonderful news for you after next week.

Update – Webmaster

Due to vacation of webmaster over the end of November and all of December, Webmaster is catching up on previous e-mails from our President during the absence. Entries were post dated to the days of the email sent.


Updates: Nomination for President

Good afternoon members,

The Returning Officer Susan Schierholtz will be accepting nominations until January 19th   for the Election for the current vacancy of President. Please copy the person that you are nominating so that they can in turn accept the nomination. In the event that an election is needed it will occur following the 19th once the set up can be completed for electronic voting. Thank you to all that are nominated.

Update – CUPE Link

Dear CUPE Local 3313 member:


Your local Bargaining Committee participated in a central process with other HCCSS CUPE locals on December 6th and CUPE National staff about the wage reopener for the Bill 124 period in our last collective agreement. The Ontario Progressive Conservative Government capped our wages at 1% for three years with Bill 124. The employer’s proposal on Dec. 6th was very disappointing and much less than what you deserve.


We are back at the bargaining table on January 24 & 25. To win a fair wage increase, all eight CUPE HCCSS bargaining units are going to need to turn up the collective pressure on the employer and government.


The negotiating committee is asking you to click on this link before the holidays: https://cupe.ca/hccss-fair-wages and add your name to hundreds of co-workers across the Province calling on the Home and Community Care Support Services to bargain a fair wage increase for all Home and Community Care Support Service Workers.


After you have signed, please share on social media and ask 5 co-workers and friends/family to sign. Our collective goal is for 60% of co-workers in all 8 CUPE HCCSS bargaining units to sign so that we are powerful in large numbers. Once at least 500 members have signed, we will present the petition at Queen’s Park before we head into bargaining in January.


The deadline to sign is January 12th.


In solidarity,

Update – Wage Reopener Update

Your local Bargaining Committee participated in a central process with other HCCSS CUPE locals and CUPE National bargaining team today regarding the wage reopener for our past wages regarding Bill 124.

The Employers proposal was very disappointing and much less than the recent ONA settlement. We will be campaigning for fair wages in the coming weeks and hope that all will participate. There are more bargaining dates scheduled in January.

There will be more information coming soon.

Sincerely your bargaining committee.

Update – Wage Reopener Negotiations Tomorrow

Just an update that your Executive and bargaining team will  be with our other HCCSS CUPE Locals and CUPE National bargaining team to meet with the Employer December 6th  to negotiate higher wages regarding Bill 124. These negotiations are to cover the last three years (April 2021-March 2024)

This is the first day back to the table with two more dates booked in January. We will keep you updated as we can.

Update – CUPE Position Eliminations

Good afternoon members,

his email is to inform you of two position eliminations that were given this week. Both the Health Records Assistant positions in Lindsay and Peterborough have been eliminated as of January 12. 2024. Both of these are occupied positions. The Union will keep you updated on this process.

Updates – Position Elimination/Cell Phones/Vacation Denial

  • Just for your information that the Employer has Eliminated yet another vacant position in Whitby. The Employer has eliminated the Health Records Assistant position. This seems to be a trend that the Employer is eliminating positions that become vacant especially through retirement


  • Please note the Collective Agreement article below. The CUPE Executive interprets this language as is highlighted. If an Employee chooses to use their own cell phone that this reimbursement should be paid. If any member has concerns with this reimbursement please contact someone on the CUPE Executive.


    27.07 Where an employee is required to carry a cell phone or alternate communication devices to facilitate the performance of their work or for safety reasons as recommended by the joint health and safety committee, the employer will provide the necessary device or tool at no cost to the employee. The devices(s) are to be used exclusively for business purpose. Alternately, the employer will reimburse the employee $15.00 per month if they choose to use their own cell phone on a regular basis for work related business. The employee must adhere to the employer’s policies relating to the use of any cell phone or alternate communication device and understands that a violation of such policy may lead to disciplinary action.


  • The Executive has been aware of several vacancies that have not been posted and filled as is outlined in the Collective Agreement. If any members feel that they have been denied time off because of short staffing please reach out to an Executive member. Also please reach out if you know of any unfilled positions on your team.